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INEOS Automotive statement on the US tariffs announcement

27 Marzo 2025

LONDON, March 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — We are outraged that the tariff situation with the US has been neglected by the EU.


President Trump has been very clear on his intention to implement tariffs on the auto industry. He has been asking for fairness and reciprocity and yet European leaders have not come to the table to negotiate a better solution.  

The US government has also been clear about the consequences of non-engagement. This should be a surprise to no-one in the EU, and it could and should have been averted. 

Lynn Calder, CEO of INEOS Automotive commented: “This is what happens when politicians sit on their hands. As a growing EU-based automobile brand, we are vulnerable to tariffs, and we need our politicians to support our business, our jobs and our economies. We need urgent and direct political intervention on tariffs.”

“We will give whatever support we can to our political leaders to keep the playing field even for small, competitive brands such as Grenadier. But we must see action from EU politicians: only they are in a position to address the issue. Fortunately, we have been planning for tariffs but there is only so much we can do to protect US customers from price rises.”


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