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Xinghe Intelligent WAN, Facilitating Digital and Intelligent Upgrades of Industry Networks

27 Settembre 2024

SHANGHAI, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Themed “Facilitating Digital and Intelligent Upgrades of Industry Networks”, the Xinghe Intelligent WAN session was successfully held at HUAWEI CONNECT 2024. At the session, Huawei, together with leading customers and industry partners, explored the intelligent trends of the WAN industry, shared best practices of digital and intelligent transformation, and unveiled the upgraded Xinghe Intelligent WAN Solution. The session aimed at leading industry WANs to evolve from Cloud WANs to AI WANs and facilitating digital and intelligent upgrades across industries.

Raymond Zuo, President of Metro Router Domain at Huawei’s Data Communication Product Line, kicked off the session with an opening speech. He pointed out that WANs are facing new challenges as governments accelerate their digital transformation, IP-based production networks develop rapidly, and emerging services such as video conferencing and intelligent computing grow at a tremendous rate. As WANs continuously expand into rural areas and branches, different services pose higher SLA requirements, and new networks require continuously simplified O&M. Focusing on WAN scenarios, Huawei continuously innovates in terms of ultra-broadband and wide coverage, differentiated assurance, and intelligent O&M, and has launched industry-leading Xinghe intelligent series products and solutions.

Next, Gao Wei, Director of Internet Center at Institute of Technology and Standards of CAICT, delivered a keynote speech on new-quality Internet. He emphasizes that network information technologies have entered the intelligent era, with networks connecting not only traditional users, systems, and applications, but also computing power and data.

Ren Guangtao, Chief Architect of Metro Router Domain at Huawei’s Data Communication Product Line, also delivered a speech. He noted that the Xinghe Intelligent WAN Solution has made significant upgrades in convergence and wide coverage, ultimate experience, and intelligent O&M.

Later, Paolo Volpato, a senior expert from Huawei and IEEE EPCC member, Chen Kai, Deputy General Manager at Jiangsu Yancheng Port Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., and Edsel Paglinawan, ETPI’s Vice President and Head of Products and Innovation, shared insights on IPv6+AI evolution and their best practices. The speeches sparked lively discussions among attendees.

In the future, Huawei looks forward to partnering with customers to continuously lead technological innovation in the intelligent era and build WANs featuring ultra-high transmission capacity, ultra-broadband and ultra-fast access, deterministic experience, and intelligent O&M. It aims to help customers and partners achieve business success and move towards an intelligent world.

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