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Xinhua Silk Road: Urban hub gains attention with vitality, innovative aura in southwest China

24 Marzo 2025

CHONGQING, China, March 24, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — Yubei District, the largest district by gross regional product in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality, is gaining attention as a bustling industrial highland teeming with innovative vibe.

Serving as a key logistic hub on the China-Europe freight train routes and New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor, Yubei District has established a 24-hour economic and trade circle closely linked with the Europe and southeast Asia.

With air routes linking to 231 foreign cities, the district adept at enhancing sci-tech and innovation boosters and high-end talent pooling saw the passenger and cargo throughput of local airport ranking among the national top 10 for six consecutive years.

Leading enterprises like CHANGAN Automobile and OPPO have settled in Yubei, forming an auto manufacturing cluster with annual output value of around 200 billion yuan and an electronics and IT industry cluster with annual output value of 150 billion yuan.

The proactive layout in future industries, including BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)-related application, metaverse, AI, robotics, and integrated circuit, has shaped a landscape of synergetic development of multiple industries in Yubei.

As a portal for global businesses to access market in west China, the district also set up special industrial funds to offer targeted services such as R&D subsidies and talent apartments for foreign-funded firms.


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